Ke Kula Mele Hawai‘i

Schoool Pride

Ke Kula Mele Hawai‘i students proudly display their school pride at all performances by dressing in one of two different school uniforms.

The Aloha Uniform is a custom-patterned aloha shirt or dress available from Ke Kula Mele, black pants (if a shirt is worn) and black shoes. A plain black lei kukui completes the uniform.

The alternate uniform is the current Ke Kula Mele t-shirt worn with black pants, black shoes, and a plain black lei kukui. The design of the Ke Kula Mele t-shirt is updated annually and is also available from Ke Kula Mele.

The required uniform is designated before each public performance by Kumu Alan Akaka.

  • Aloha Uniform
    Aloha Uniform
  • T-shirt Uniform
    T-shirt Uniform

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